Healthcare Professions - Midwives - Declaration of Temporary Services


General information

If the service provider first moves from one Member State to Austria in order to provide services, he must inform the National Board of Austrian Midwives (Austrian Midwives Association, Österreichisches Hebammengremium) in a written declaration in advance.



Evidence of professional qualification and proof of the nationality of a Member State of the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland



Österreichisches Hebammengremium
Landstraßer Hauptstrasse 71/2
1030 Wien

Phone: +43 1 71728163

[Competent authority / Form...]


The written declaration can be submitted in person, by post or electronic ( e.g. by e-mail with an electronic signature).

Preliminary proceedings: Should the need arise there will be an aptitude test in an Austrian training institution before the authorization can be granted.

Length of proceedings: If there is no test required, the authorization can be granted right after the written declaration. If there is a prior check needed, the process can be expected to take two months.



  • Proof of the nationality of the service Provider
  • Filled and signed Form "Hebammenregistereintragung"
  • Attestation certifying that the holder is legally established in a Member State for the purpose of pursuing the activities concerned and that he/she is not prohibited from practising, even temporarily, at the moment of delivering the attestation
  • Evidence of professional qualifications
  • Declaration about the applicants knowledge of the German language necessary for practising the profession
  • One picture (as used for passport)

All documents and certificates (except the proof of the nationality) must be submitted in German or English, either as an original or as a copy authenticated by a court, a notary public or a municipal authority. Only the translations by a certified court translator are accepted.


Translations from Hungary are accepted only, if they are issued by Országos Fordító és Forditáshitelesítö Iroda (OFFI).

Non authenticated copies or untranslated documents are not accepted. After processing, all original documents will be returned immediately.



Fees are approximately 200 Euro



section 21 of the Hebammengesetz (HebG)


Data Protection

I have noted that the data provided by me, as well as any data received by the administration over the course of the preliminary investigation, will be automatically processed as per article 6, para. 1 lit. c and e of the General Data Protection Regulation in accordance with the underlying material laws of the legal process. Furthermore, I am aware that this is for the purpose of executing the legal procedure initiated by me, the granting of regulatory approval and also for the purpose of review. I have read the general information regarding: 

  • the right to access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, withdrawal and objection, as well as on data portability
  • the right to lodge a complaint with the Austrian data protection authority
  • the responsibilities of the process controller and the data protection officer as per


Responsible for the content

Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection


Last update

30 January 2025