If your profession is regulated and you need to apply for the recognition of your professional qualifications, you may apply for recognition using the European Professional Card (EPC). The EPC is an electronic procedure you can use to have your regulated profession recognised in another EU country.
Further information: https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/work/professional-qualifications/european-professional-card/index_en.htm
This is an electronic proceduere.
[Competent authority / Form...] |
I have noted that the data provided by me, as well as any data received by the administration over the course of the preliminary investigation, will be automatically processed as per article 6, para. 1 lit. c and e of the General Data Protection Regulation in accordance with the underlying material laws of the legal process. Furthermore, I am aware that this is for the purpose of executing the legal procedure initiated by me, the granting of regulatory approval and also for the purpose of review. I have read the general information regarding: