Education Occupations - Teachers at Part-time Vocational Schools - Recognition


General information

In the course of the procedure for recognition of professional qualifications the applicant's formal qualifications obtained in the EU/in the EEA/in Switzerland are examined to determine whether they fulfill essentially the legal requirements in Austria for teaching at part-time vocational schools.



Completion of a teacher training program and where appropriate, the professional training that is required in addition to the post-secondary course



There are no specific time limits.



[Competent authority / Form...]


Burgenland: The application to practise the regulated profession must be submitted either online to the point of single contact or to the Bildungsdirektion für Burgenland (see under "Competent authority"). The Bildungsdirektion für Burgenland examines the application and makes a decision within four months after the date on which the applicant's complete file was submitted.

Kärnten: The application to practise the regulated profession must be submitted either online to the point of single contact or to the Bildungsdirektion für Kärnten (see under "Competent authority"). The Bildungsdirektion für Kärnten examines the application and makes a decision within four months after the date on which the applicant's complete file was submitted.

Niederösterreich: The application to practise the regulated profession must be submitted either online to the point of single contact or to the Bildungsdirektion für Niederösterreich (see under "Competent authority"). The Bildungsdirektion für Niederösterreich examines the application and makes a decision within four months after the date on which the applicant's complete file was submitted.

Oberösterreich: The application to practise the regulated profession must be submitted either online to the point of single contact or to the Bildungsdirektion für Oberösterreich (see under "Competent authority"). The Bildungsdirektion für Oberösterreich examines the application and makes a decision within four months after the date on which the applicant's complete file was submitted.

According to section 14 Tarifpost 5 and 6 of the Gebührengesetz 1957 in its current version, recognition procedures are subject to charge.

The following fees have to be paid by applicants:

For the application for the issue of a licence or recognition of a qualification or of another legal condition in order to carrying out a professional activity: 47.30 Euro

For enclosures, of every sheet: 3.90 Euro, but not more than 21.80 Euro per sheet (see Tarifpost 5(1))

After successful recognition and official assessment of the equivalence of the professional training, a fee of 6.50 Euro is charged according to the Bundesverwaltungsabgabenverordnung 1983 in its current version in case of decisions granting entitlements or issuing authorisations upon application of the parties (see Bundesverwaltungsabgabenverordnung 1983 in its current version, Tarif, Allgemeiner Teil).

Salzburg: The application to practise the regulated profession must be submitted either online to the point of single contact or to the Bildungsdirektion für Salzburg (see under "Competent authority"). The Bildungsdirektion für Salzburg examines the application and makes a decision within four months after the date on which the applicant's complete file was submitted.

In the course of the recognition procedure fees must be paid for the expert according to the Allgemeines Verwaltungsverfahrengesetz 1991 in conjunction with the Gebührenanspruchsgesetz 1975. Applicants for recognition must pay these fees by an advance on costs. Furthermore, after official assessment of the diploma recognition procedure administrative charges in the amount of 27.90 Euro are imposed according to regulations of the Salzburger Landes- und Gemeindeverwaltungsabgabengesetz 1969 in conjunction with the Annex Tarifpost 1 of the Salzburger Landes- und Gemeinde-Verwaltungsabgabenverordnung 2012.

Steiermark: The application to practise the regulated profession must be submitted either online to the point of single contact or to the Bildungsdirektion für Steiermark (see under "Competent authority"). The Bildungsdirektion für Steiermark examines the application and makes a decision within four months after the date on which the applicant's complete file was submitted.

Tirol: The application to practise the regulated profession must be submitted either online to the point of single contact or to the Bildungsdirektion für Tirol (see under "Competent authority"). The Bildungsdirektion für Tirol examines the application and makes a decision within four months after the date on which the applicant's complete file was submitted.

A recognition procedure is subject to a fee according to Sections 14 Tarifpost 5 and 6 of the Gebührengesetz 1957.

As a result, the following fees apply to the applicant:

For the request: 47.30 Euro (Sections 14 Tarifpost 6 Paragraph 2 Item 1 Gebührengesetz 1957);

For the supplements: 3.90 Euro per sheet, but not more than 21.80 Euro per supplement (Sections 14 Tarifpost 5 Gebührengesetz 1957);

According to tariff post 167 of the Tiroler Landes-Verwaltungsabgabenverordnung 2007, an administrative charge of 70 Euro applies;

In addition, the recognition procedure involves fees of the expert who, according to § 76 (1) of the Allgemeines Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz, are to be borne by the applicant for recognition.

All fees and expenses are payable upon completion of the procedure.

Vorarlberg: The application to practise the regulated profession must be submitted either online to the point of single contact or to the Bildungsdirektion für Vorarlberg (see under "Competent authority"). The Bildungsdirektion für Vorarlberg examines the application and makes a decision within four months after the date on which the applicant's complete file was submitted.

Wien: The application to practise the regulated profession concerned must be submitted either online to the point of single contact or to the Bildungsdirektion für Wien (see under "Competent authority"). The Bildungsdirektion für Wien examines the application and makes a decision within four months after the date on which the applicant's complete file was submitted.

Procedure in all federal states: The applicant can file an appeal against this decision to the Landesverwaltungsgericht within four weeks after the official service of the decision.

The proceedings determine if the formal qualifications of the applicant fulfill the legal requirements to pursue the relevant teaching profession. Furthermore it is determined whether or not the applicant is allowed to gain access to and pursue that profession in the state where the professional qualifications were issued. If the training of the applicant and the training required by Austria are substantially different the applicant can be subject to complete an adaptation period or to take an aptitude test. In so doing the applicant's professional experience or the knowledge, skills and competences acquired through lifelong learning are taken into account.

In case the professional qualifications were issued by a third country (neither EU-country nor EEA member country nor Switzerland), the applicants must usually submit their requests for the recognition to a university college of teacher education.



  • Passport or identity card
  • In the case of change of name: marriage certificate or other documents which are proof of the change of the name
  • Certificates of competence or qualifications obtained in the EU/ EEA/in Switzerland showing the qualifications of the teaching profession and any additional professional experience required. Certificates of competency or proofs of formal qualifications that have not been written in the official language German or in English must also be submitted with a translation by a court-appointed interpreter.
  • Documents showing length of study and extent (Diploma Supplement/Diploma Supplement)
  • Documents, if any, documenting the language skills required to practice in Austria
  • Third-country diplomas recognized in the EU / EEA/Switzerland, together with a certificate issued by the competent authority for at least three years' professional experience in that Member State
  • Documents, if available, on acquired professional practice, which clearly show the applicant's job, or on the knowledge, skills and competences acquired through lifelong learning
  • Certification that the exercise of the profession has not been temporarily or definitively prohibited and that no criminal record exists
  • Additionally for third-country nationals: residence permit and proof of unlimited access to the labor market (also for Croatian nationals)



See "Procedure".


Additional information




Data Protection

I have noted that the data provided by me, as well as any data received by the administration over the course of the preliminary investigation, will be automatically processed as per article 6, para. 1 lit. c and e of the General Data Protection Regulation in accordance with the underlying material laws of the legal process. Furthermore, I am aware that this is for the purpose of executing the legal procedure initiated by me, the granting of regulatory approval and also for the purpose of review. I have read the general information regarding: 

  • the right to access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, withdrawal and objection, as well as on data portability
  • the right to lodge a complaint with the Austrian data protection authority
  • the responsibilities of the process controller and the data protection officer as per


Responsible for the content

Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research


Last update

3 January 2022